Primary Angioplasty ( Pre Discharge) Patient Brochure

Primary angioplasty (Pre Discharge)


How is my heart pumping?

The pumping efficiency of heart is measured by echocardiography. The measurement done is called Ejection Fraction(EF). A normal heart’s ejection fraction is 60-65 %. Heart attack will affect the pumping of the heart depending on its severity.

It is broadly categorised as 

Mild              EF 40-50%

Moderate     EF 30-40% and 

Severe         EF less than 30%

Heart’s pumping function is a very important measure of short and long-term results. Severely affected pumping function is a cause of concern and has to be closely monitored and treated.


Does the pumping function improve?

Usually yes. The average improvement in pumping function varies from 5-20%, depending on how early you came to the hospital after the pain started. The maximal improvement is expected by 1-2 months.


What if my heart pumping if is chronically less than 35%?

You will need closer monitoring and treatment. Fortunately newer medicines that are available are very effective in not letting the Heart’s EF worsen. There are two important consequences of a weak heart

1 Heart failure syndrome

Patients develop shortness of breath swelling over feet and easy fatigability. Medicines are useful to some extent however the disease can progress.

2 Sudden Death

All people who have a weak heart with less than 30-35 percent despite being on adequate doses of medicines are at risk for sudden death or sudden cardiac arrest


What can we do to prevent sudden cardiac arrest?

Patients have EF of less than 30 to 35% beyond 45 days of a heart attack need to be assessed if they will benefit from AICD or defibrillator. Your cardiologist will guide you about it.


Can sudden cardiac arrest happen in the first 45 days after heart attack?

Yes. Sudden cardiac arrest is known to occur early after heart attack. A very weak heart is especially at maximum risk. However defibrillator AICD implant has been proven to be useless in these patients.  


How do we prepare ourselves for an unfortunate event of sudden cardiac arrest?

We recommend that everyone at home is trained in compression only cardiac resuscitation. While this is done, call the cardiac ambulance at the hospital number or dial 108 for ambulance Service.




Department of Cardiology Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital

020-4915 3271 / 72  For Follow up appointments, Prescription query


Emergency Ambulance




Dr Rajesh Dhopeshwarkar

9657160303 ( in case of emergency)