Post Coronary Angiography Precautions

Post Coronary Angiography Precautions (Femoral and Radial)

 Post Coronary Angiography  procedure through the femoral route (through your groin), if no additional intervention is advised, you would be discharged on the next day of the procedure.

What’s important about the bandage:

The bandage applied can be removed after 24 hours have lapsed following the procedure. Although it is very unlikely that the puncture site in your groin would bleed. Just in case it does, do not panic. Just apply a firm pressure with your fingertips at the site for 10 to 15 minutes and call for help from the emergency medical services.

When can you take a bath :

You may take a shower starting from the next day of the procedure. However a hot water bath is to be avoided at least for 7 days. This is to prevent the rare episodes of bleeding from the puncture site.

About resuming daily activities:

Normal physical activity like walking and climbing stairs gradually can be resumed after 2 days. Heavy exercise and lifting of heavy weights (even your grandchild who could be more than 5Kgs ! ) is to be totally avoided till your doctor feels it is alright. Driving a light motor vehicle is possible right from the next day.

Sexual activity may be resumed 2 days after the procedure if no adverse findings are noted at the time of the angiography.

Getting back to work :

A sitting job can be resumed after 3 to 4 days after the procedure; however a heavy work job will require your doctor’s certification before you start again.

It will be good to ask your cardiologist before you book your flight. Flying restrictions are not uncommon for certain patients.

When to call for help  :

Certain situations are to be treated as emergency situations and medical help should be sought immediately. They are:

  • If your leg ( where the puncture was made) suddenly shows a swelling, redness or severe pain.
  • If  the same leg turns cold , blue and painful all of a sudden.
  • If there is a sudden episode of shortness of breath.
  • There is pus discharge from the site or in case you develop fever.
  • If there is angina (chest pain) lasting for more than 10 minutes and not responding to your usual dose of nitroglycerine.

Such episodes are very rare and one just needs to be informed in case of an eventuality.

Some specific Instructions related to the Radial ( Wrist ) Approach :

In case the procedure was performed through an approach at your wrist (Radial route), almost the similar precautions are advised.

Certain specific instructions related to the wrist are important to note.

  • Do not strain the wrist which was operated. Rest your forearm and wrist with the help of a pillow.
  • Do not bend your wrist for 8 hours after you have returned home.
  • Do not use the computer key board or knit clothes for 1 day after the procedure.
  • Do not lift anything heavy for the next 2 days.

You may start driving a geared car after 2 days.

What to watch for at the puncture site:

You may notice a pimple sized lump at the puncture site.  This is normal and would take about 2 to 4 weeks to go.

Changes like sudden redness, swelling, or the limb turning cold and blue must be immediately reported.

Such episodes are very rare and one just needs to be informed in case of an eventuality.

A coronary angiography is a routinely performed procedure. One need not have fear of the rare complications. It is just good to be empowered with knowledge!